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51 Songs and chants sung at Wrexham AFC games, bars and pubs around the world in support of our lads! Sing them loud, sing them proud! Did we miss anything? Let us know! admin@wrexhamreddragons.com
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Wrexham Anthem
Tune: Ratarsed
Here they come our mighty champions,
Raise your voices to the anthem,
Marching like a mighty army,
See the Reds who fight together,
Speak their names with pride forever,
Marching with a mighty army,
Fearless in Devotion, Rising to Promotion,
Rising to the ranks of mighty heroes, Fighting foes in every land,
History only tells a story,
We are here to see your glory,
Stand aside the Reds are coming,
We have made the mighty humble
We have made the mountains rumble,
Falling to a mighty army,
Declan Swans
Tune: It's Always Sunny in Wrexham
Less than a mile from the centre of Town,
A famous Old stadium crumbling down,
No-one's invested so much as a penny,
Bring on the Deadpool and Rob McElhеnney.
Everywhere We Go
Tune: Wrockin Wrobin
Wrexham Lager
Tune: Bread of Heaven hymn
WREXHAM Lager, Wrexham Lager
FEED me till I want no more (want no more),
FEED me till I want no more...
Play at 1:45
Oh Fluffy Sheep
Tune: When the Saints go Marching In
Oh fluffy sheep,
Are Wonderful,
Oh fluffy sheep are wonderful,
For the are white, Welsh and fluffy,
Oh fluffy sheep are wonderful
Hymns and Arias
Land of my father's,
Ar hyd y nos,
And we were singing,
Hymns and arias,
Land of my father's,
Ar hyd y nos...
Play at 2:05
The American Chant
Lets go Wrexham!
Clap clap
Clap clap clap
Clap clap clap, clap clap
Lets go Wrexham!
Video Unrelated
We're the Red Army
Tune: Wrockin Wrobin
Allez Allez Allez Oh,
Allez Allez Allez Oh,
Wrexham FC,
We’re the red army
Allez Allez Allez
Tune: Wrockin Wrobin
We are Wrexham FC,
We're never gunna die,
Unlike our Chester neighbours,
Who kissed their club goodbye,
We're going for promotion,
We're shagging all the sheep,
(shagging all the sheep),
We are Wrexham FC and we're gonna win the league,
Allez allez allez... Allez allez allez
We love you Wrexham, we do,
We love you Wrexham, we do,
We love you Wrexham, we do,
Oh Wrexham we love you
I am North-Walian
Tune: Anarchy in The UK
I know what I want and how to get it,
Follow the Reds till I die and I'mmmmmmmm
Gonnnna beeeee Wrexham FCCCCCCCC
At the Racecourse ground,
Since I was young,
So proud to be,
Wrexham FC,
Du, du, du
Du, du, du
Play at 5:20
We're the Wrexham
Tune: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
We're the Wrexham
The mighty Wrexham
We always win away
Win away, Win away, Win away, Win away,
Win away, Win away, Win away, Win away.
On Our Way
Tune: Wrockin Wrobin
On our way, on our way,
To the Football League, on our way,
How we get there, I don't know,
How we get there, I don't care,
All I know is Wrexham are on their way...
On Our Way
Tune: Wrockin Wrobin
E I E I E I O Up the football league we go,
When we win promotion this is what we’ll sing,
We are Wrexham super Wrexham,
We're gonna win the league
Just can't get enough
Tune: Just can't get enough
When I see you Wrexham,
I go out of my head,
I just can't get enough,
I just can't get enough,
All the things you do to me and all the things you said,
I just can't get enough,
I just can't get enough,
We slip and slide and we fall in love,
And I just can't seem to get enough of you...
Du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du, du
Can't help falling in love
Tune: Can't help falling in love with you
Take my hand, take my whole life to,
For I can't help falling in love with you,
Take my hand, take my whole life to,
For I can't help falling in love with you,
Wrexham, Wrexham, Wrexham...
*Chant after a goal is scored*
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Ohhhh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
oh-oh, oh-oh
Video Unrelated
Christmas Chant
Snow is falling all around us,
Wrexham playing having fun,
It's the season,
Championship is calling,
Merry Christmas Chester Scum.